Shapez Industries Shape generator



With this tool you can generate any shape from shapez industries! This can be useful to analyze shapes or draft new ones.


Shapes can be generated with a short key. Each shape consists of up to 4 layers, and each layers consists of 4 quadrants. Shape codes start from the upper right quadrant and move clockwise.

Each quadrant is described via a pair of letters - An uppercase character describing the shape, followed by a lowercase letter describing its color. If the quadrant is empty, -- is used

If a quadrant is linked to a quadrant before it, the color code is replaced with _ .
Optionally, if the shape is the same as the quadrant it is linked to, you can also replace the shape code with _

Layers are separated via :, starting with the lowest layer.

Shape codes

  • C Circle
  • R Rectangle
  • W Windmill
  • S Star

Merged Shape Codes

  • 1 Circle + Star
  • 2 Rectangle + Circle
  • 3 Star + Rectangle
  • 4 Circle + Windmill
  • 5 Rectangle + Windmill
  • 6 Star + Windmill

color codes

  • r Red
  • g Green
  • b Blue
  • y Yellow
  • p Purple
  • c Cyan
  • u Uncolored
  • w White
